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The job of a mineral water producer


How is natural mineral water formed?

Natural mineral water comes from the interaction between time and nature: When rain falls onto the ground, it seeps through the various subterranean rock layers over the years. This slow process lends the groundwater a unique mineral composition, inherited from the specific geological structures it has passed through. The characteristics of natural mineral water therefore also depend on the quality of the soils and the environment where the water infiltrates.


How does the natural water cycle work?

Water resources are subject to a natural cycle: Water is a renewable resource. Respecting this natural cycle, which can vary according to climatic conditions, makes it possible to sustainably manage the groundwater. It is therefore necessary to know the dynamics of groundwater aquifers in order to understand how to replenish them. In partnership with other local players, we are committed to making the most of this precious natural resource by protecting it and ensuring that the natural renewal of the water can take place in order to replenish the aquifers.


How can we protect this water?

We must contribute to preserving the surface ecosystems, the biodiversity present around water resources, and work toward the preservation and regeneration of these elements. These actions could not be carried out without the concerted efforts of all local stakeholders, which is why we maintain an ongoing dialog with local authorities and the community.